All these precious moments
That we carved in stone // are only memories after all ©

Where is the line when the now ends and the memories begin?
Hi, future me! I hope now you know the answer on this question. Time flies fast, right?
So many moments happened this year. Happy and desperate, awkward and amusing. You had a chance to go camping, to visit Saint Petersburg, to have a good internship, a lot of “to”’s and didn’t blew it.
You are lucky, because you have all these people around who love, respect, and cares about you. Appreciate it.
Don’t think that you have a lot of time to deal with great projects and assignments. You always don’t and it’s important to rember — work done, have fun (not vice versa!) Please…
I believe that you will be cooler and wiser person than I am now!
As a tradition, my Sophomore year in pictures:

It was cool! As it said, ‘collect memories and not pictures’, but what is stopping me from collecting picures as memories? I’m sure that you follow this rule, future me:-)
Be always better than you were yesterday, be hungry for knowledge, meet deadlines and think about consequences.
I hope you’ll rest this summer properly to be able to conquer new peaks after.
And — don’t worry, be happy!