Back to the childhood

For a minute

Lyubov Obsholova
3 min readMay 2, 2020

My first hike

It was summer-time and lovely weather. My cousins and I were three romps without fear but with a great desire to explore new territories.

The protagonists:

  • Me, age 4
  • Seryoga, age 6
  • Masha , age 10
The rout

Actually, the way was less than a kilometer — not really long, but at that age it seemed like a large distance. So we decided to win it over!

Summer. Children. The grass height was almost greater than my height. Like I remember, rasp-grass(осока) was enveloping around arms, legs and even neck as hundreds of silk cords. But it required caution — it was easy to get rasp-grass cut because it had sharp edges. Belatedly.

A quiet sound of wind and loud chatter of our voices setted the joiful tone for our hike so Sergio proposed to take flowers for our mothers. Ahh, flowers… You are the sweet-smelling and fragrant gentle creatures! But Masha and me noticed no one nearby. Sergio said that he saw a lot. Masha’s intuition didn’t get a good feeling from his words.

So, let me introduce you ‘flowers’

It’s name in Russian can be “dead wood” — сухостой. It was dry plant with a bushy, hmm, seeds and also oudorless

Following fact deserving to be mentioned — the way was swampy but by some miracle nothing was happening. Or not?

Typical object in the area

I was really happy. Cousins and me were talking about favorite cartoon and even weren’t arguing about. Heaven is a place on Earth, as I’d say now.

The end point

We almost finished. The mission was cross over to the other side of the river. Masha jumped. Sergio jumped. But I didn’t. It was scary to me jump into the unknown. They encouraged me to do it so long so I finally decided. Maybe 4 years of my life flash in front of me, I can’t remember.

The fact is that I fell in the water close to the shore and praise God the bottom was shallow. I’m glad my mother still doesn’t know about it.

Wet clothes. Soft grass. Warm soil. We dried everithing wet what I had, and moved to my home.

We went out right after lunch and came back just 2–3 hours after. The way back was not in my memory. Well, upon getting home, I gave my mother those “flowers” and went straight to beg, althouth I hated to do it in a day — that’s how I tired.


This post was the good reason to go outside, first, and remember the story, second. I was thinking about all my hikes, campings, trips and this story just came back to me as the first.

Of course, I was okay after that. We were doing craziest things and we’re still alive after all. The childhood was a wonderful time for it.

The bonus for you — the photo of some pretty spring flowers

Thank you for attention! :)



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