Choose your fighter (book)
What choice will you make?
What the first thing that comes to mind, when you hear the word “Copperfield”? An illusionist, most likely, but this isn’t about him.
I’m an shopoholic in terms of books 😄. At this time I was really intrested in one book by Charles Dickens “David Copperfield”. It’s not adopted text and was published in Great Britain. But the best part that I bought it for one hundred rubles! (The strong of independent book-shop — thanks to “Polka” on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya St.)
This writing contains 750 pages in fact 😅. IDK how much time would I need to read it, but I know exactly what I’m ready to do it right now! Because the story is intresting, how I can judge by first 20–30 pages. The semi-autobiographical story tells about an young writer in the 19th century(Genres: drama, social). There is a lot of monologues, descriptions and philosophical quotes, and also useful tips and the language of the book is almost easy for understand so, here everything I love:-)
My advice is, never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time. Collar him!
Thank you for attention!