The Kingdom of Norway
I have a bunch of words to memorize today, get ready!
ruggedly beautiful
having attractively appearance and rough hewn features — обладающий суровой красотой.
I really am ruggedly handsome, aren’t I?
in a very pleasant, attrctive, or enjoyable way — восхитительно, чарующе
Thank you for a delightfully unexpected morning.
has not been changed or damaged by people — нетронутый
It’s one of the most beautiful and unique places of unspoiled nature.
stave church
medieval wooden church with a post and beam construction related to timber framing — деревянная (шестовая) церковь
The first stave church was built in the 11th century.
neither very hot nor very cold
The climate is mild, temperate.
affected by magic or seemed to be affected by magic — зачарованный
Once upon a time, there was an enchated castle.
to dip
to go down to a lower level — снижаться, падать
I don’t like the time when temperature outside the window dips.
rising very quickly to a high level — достающий до небес
Mountain picks are soaring monuments to nature’s majesty.
boreal forest
the very large area of wet land in the far northern parts of the world that is covered with conifer trees -тайга
Canada’s boreal forest comprises about one third of the circumpolar boreal forests.
unable to produce plants and fruits — бесплодный
No one wants to owe this barren piece of ground.
to retain
to keep or continue to have something — удерживать
I have a good memory and that means that I’m able to retain facts easily.
strong and healthy, or strong and unlikly to break or fail — устойчивый, надежный
A robust trade is an important ingredient for stability and development.
a building for Islamic religious activities and worship — мечеть
He meets with a man who does not come to the mosque as others.
not easy to find or get — скудный, дефицитный
Scarce intelligence is not a rarity.
gross product
the total value of all the goods and services produced in a particular place in a particular year — валовый продукт
Gross product is often used as the basis of calculations.
Phew, it seems like that’s it. Thank you for reading.