Once upon a time in… Hollywood.

Cinemania #1

Lyubov Obsholova
2 min readJan 30, 2020

It’s time to begin a new feature “Cinemania” where I will write about movies (and also TV-series😉) that I recently watched.

Starting with the “Once upon a time in… Hollywood” — a criminal comedy drama written and directed by inimitable Quentin Tarantino!

Caution: this movie isn’t recommended for viewing the ones who miss summer because it has a lot of sun scenes:-)

It’s about a friendship, a fortune and a self-confidence. That sounds like a short description of “My little Pony”, ahem.

But it’s not that simple, otherweise it wouldn’t be Tarantino, really. A frightening story on which the film based makes you wonder about how short life is, what is your talent therein and how differently people percieve the world. This presses a lot of your buttons — from laughter to deep sadness.

What about new vocabulary?

> A stuntman [‘stəntmæn] — a man who performs stunts, especially instead of an actor in a film. “No, I’m A Stuntman.”

> To pull a trick [ pʊlətrɪk] — to carry out something nimble. “That’s an old trick pulled by the networks.”

> Bona fide [ .bəʊnəa’faɪd] — real and honest. “ You want to build up his bona fide”.

> A numbnuts [‘nəmnəts] — a stupid or despicable person. “Well, drive it backwards, numbnuts!”

> To buzz up [bəzəp] — to admit. “Oh, hooray! Great, I’ll buzz you up.”

…it’s all(unless the swearing words), oddly enough. I hope what that would be useful for someone who read my post.

And for last — the perfect soundracks!



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