Reflections on my college achievements and plans
…at long last
Since the last post about it, I realized that progress has been. That is definitely better, because finally I came to my sentences (almost 4 months 😓) but it’s better late than never, yes?)
Probably I couldn’t have focused, how I still now sometimes, but hope do better over time.
Okay, and what about new plans?
- Don’t obsessing over little things too hard. Sometimes is overrated and time is wasted.
- Lyuba, please, get your homework on time. It’s really important! It’s better to make it now not to sort out debts after.
- Pay attention to reasonable distribution of free time.
And also: before the end of the first semester I want to memorize irregular verbs in Past Simple 😄
The point is double dutch for me and I get blue in this , actually.
Plus, I am careless and this hinders the process of learning even more.
As regards new for me…
The American Culture make it any less foreign for me with every class. This is so great! History, traditions, national specificities are charming!
Word of the month: very! Seriously, that ‘v’…
I enjoy it, really;)
Sooner or later you understand what not enough only doing homework for English learn. Guys, from the heart:
- — easy, stylish and usable dictionary. Transcriptions, context, exercises — all is here
- or Word without context is nothing 😉
- gonna fix. _almost_ everything what goes wrong
- — my favorite. Not only pleasant but also valuable. Learn English in a conversations! But not with Russian subtitles, please.
- English yo (vk and YouTube). Why not? More slang, idioms and jokes for God of a slang, idioms and jokes!
I use it all regularly myself 😊
Thank you for attention!
Psst, soon will new posts about past events, can’t miss it…