(Something new! )
Useful words and phrases for all occasions.
✨Hello! ✨
I’m sure that you are enjoyed to study English, aren’t you?
Yes, you are! That is why I made a list of beautiful/useful/helpful words — this is all for you (and a bit for me not to forget them🤭).
Core of smth — the basic and most important part of something.
Second to none — better than others.
Secluded — quiet, private, and not near people, road and buildings.
Culture vulture — someone who is very interested in culture.
To satiate someone’s craving of — to completely satisfy a need.
Supremacy — the leading position.
Sun drenched — a place that is receives a lot of sun.
To mingle with — to mix or combine.
Tumultuous — full of confusion, change or uncertaintly.
To rival — to equal or to be as good as.
Phew, let’s call it a day for now😁.