The worst hero in the Galaxy
from the best book by the same place.
Guess who…
okay, it’s about Arthur Dent today. I continue to read “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ and just have fun. There is a lot of jokes, but sometime is too difficult to understand with ignorance of background its referenses and allusions.
Buuuut I’d like, I would really like to share with you some funny/useful words and idioms which were clear for me:
To be on home stretch — быть на финишной прямой.
To give a lift [ɡɪvəlɪft] — to drop. Подбросить.
Encore [ˈɑŋkɔr] — once again. На бис.
Good grief! — ну и ну!; какое несчастье!; ничего себе! Восклицание, выражающее удивление, досаду и т.д.
So, Arthur
By the time of reading there were any questions to him. I hadn’n read the whole book and maybe the answers will appear next chapters, but I want to know it right now.
- How does it feel to be the guy who doesn’t know what’s going on? I mean that you are too calm for a man who lost his house, planet and maybe worldview. Very suspicious. What the secret of Boris the Cat?
- And another one. When I was reading some facts about your Creator, Douglas Adams, there was this fact too: in an early pitch for the radio show, your character was going to be called Aleric B. What do you think, would you be another man, if you have another name? It’s the questions not only about you, okay, but it’s possible to you to imagine your character with new features. Think about it.
Are you sill here? Intresting, why. In any case…