Time to look back
through my first semester as a Sophomore.
From the beginning of the 2nd year of my studying, I have been tried to be a good student.
To deal with all the deadlines always in time, not to skip classes, even they were boring, and listen to teachers attentively.
As a result, I became more responsible, I think. I have learned how to prefer important things instead of doing something short-term. Yes, I almost succeded with ignoring of procrastination! It’s beyound words how I’m happy about this.
I noticed also that now I get stronger emotional stability. There is no much angry and resentment in my life. Now I think more about other’s people feelings, but no worry about it as much as early. There is an realization that we are different, but we are people.
This year was unique. I will never happen again. But I’m going to make it as meaningful and happy as I can. Maybe it will be time to improve my leader skills, or to devote more time to playing guitar, or start new interesting project. Who knows? But I believe.