Written communication:

its types and pecularities

Lyubov Obsholova
4 min readApr 30, 2021

Written communication involves every type of message that makes use of the written word. It’s the most important and the most effective of any mode of business communication. There are some forms of it:

1.Internal communication.

Used internally for business operations.

  • memos.

Memo is (short for “memorandum”) a type of documents that is used for fairly short messages of one page or less, but informal reports of several pages may also employ memo format.

A memo’s purpose is often to inform, but it occasionally includes an element of persuasion or a call to action. A memo is not a letter!

  • reports.

The information about reports can be found here

  • bulletins.

The purpose of a bulletin is to inform a group of people about a specific matter.

A bulletin must be concise and clear in both content and layout in order to make it easy for the reader to understand the main content. The language must be error-free formal style and suitable for the intended audience.

  • job descriptions.

A job description or JD is a written narrative that describes the general tasks, or other related duties, and responsibilities of a position.

It is an essential part of the job application process as, with the right information, it should help applicants to determine whether the role is in line with their skill set and whether it is a job they actually want to do.

  • employee manuals.

Employee manual (also known as employee handbook or staff handbook) is a document which defines a company’s key policies and procedures and outlines its company culture.

An effective employee handbook clearly communicates your company’s mission, values, policies and rules to your new and existing employees.

  • e-mail.

In companies, email is used to convey information externally (to customers/clients) and internally (to staff within the company).

Internal emails may be less formal, but they still need to be carefully written. Some companies monitor messages sent by employees. Emails can also be forwarded to others, so it is important not to write anything you wouldn’t want others to read.

  • instant messages.

Instant messaging (or IM, for short) is a type of online chat that lets you send and receive brief written messages in real time. Many offices and companies use instant messaging for one-on-one conversations and group discussions.

Instant messaging might seem similar to email, but the tone and feel is a bit different. If email is like sending a digital letter, instant messaging is like having a digital conversation. It’s quick, informal, and a little more spontaneous.

2.Clients and businesses.

Used for external communications.

  • emails.

In business, the benefits of emails are undeniable. Email can greatly improve customer service.

Also there is a thing known email marketing. Email marketing allows you to send quick, cost-effective targeted messages to your customers by enabling you to segment your marketing list and tailor your email messages based on customer preferences.

Here’s my own example for business email (an external one). Thanks to my internship for inspiration while writing this :-)
  • Internet websites.

A website is a tool that every business needs. It allows your visitors to see you in the virtual space so that they can make particular assumptions and create a given perception of your brand or company.

  • letters.

A business letter is a formal document, with a set structure.

A business letter includes contact information, a salutation, the body of the letter, a complimentary close, and a signature.

  • proposals.

A business proposal is a sales document created with the purpose to persuade your potential customers to buy from you.

There are solicited and unsolicited business proposals. A solicited proposal is sent when you already have a connection with the potential buyer and they’re interested in what you’re selling. Usually, the buyer themselves will ask for a proposal.On the other hand, an unsolicited proposal is sent without the explicit request of someone who may be interested in what you’re selling.

  • contracts.

A business contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more persons or entities.

For a contract to be legally binding it must contain four essential elements: an offer, an acceptance, an intention to create a legal relationship, a consideration (usually money).

As you can see, there are too many types of written communication it business. Obviously, it is not a completed list of them.

Thank you for reading!



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